mochte ich hart mit lieb ficken
hab nie in mein leben gefickt
Ficken established her own practice in 1934 but continued to work as an associate in her father's firm for several years. Projects on which she assisted her father included about a dozen high schools and elementary schools in Montgomery County[3] and elsewhere, and several University of Maryland (UMD) buildings.[1][4] One of their joint projects, the Rock Creek Field House (a wood and stone rest station in Rock Creek Stream Valley Park), was nominated in 2013 for inclusion in Montgomery County's Master Plan for Historic Preservation.[4]

She obtained her architect's license in Maryland in 1936, and two years later was still the only woman licensed in the state.[1]

One of Ficken's first major projects was a farming estate for a wealthy Maryland woman, Clara Hyatt, that she began work on in 1940. For Hyatt she designed not only a brick main house (now known as "Redwall";) and farm outbuildings but also a watering system for the fields.[1][5] The overall design program was predicated on the idea that the farm could be run by one woman alone during the war, when the draft drew away many male farmhands. A slightly later project was an award-winning restaurant reconstruction whose success helped her to secure a large postwar commission from UMD.[1]

In 1947, she married Rudolph William Ficken, thereafter using Katherine Cutler Ficken as her professional name. In 1956, they adopted a son, Rudolph Ficken, Jr.[1]

Ficken became a member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) in 1950.[6] She died of cancer in Bethesda, Maryland, on October 14, 1968

One-Night-Stand18 bis 25 Jahre ● 25km um Clausthal-Zellerfeld vor 7 Jahren
One-Night-Stand35 bis 45 Jahre ● 25km um Buxtehude vor 7 Jahren


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