Liberation - the Libidex boutique in London’s Covent Garden - not only stocks a wide range of Libidex latex clothing, but is central London’s only latex clothing store. We’ve been established since 2004, and we’re still serving the fetish public!
Described by London listings magazine Time Out as “London’s coolest kink boutique”, Liberation’s ground floor and discreet fetish basement are well supplied with a good selection of garments from the Libidex latex collections, and offer a fascinating range of good-quality accessories, gifts, adult toys and a few kinky antiques, for your delectation!
There are two changing rooms, supplied with talc and wipes, and the premises are fully air-conditioned. We also have the Libidex catalogue available for you to browse on tablet while waiting for your partner to try on their outfit!
We also sell tickets for many major fetish events in the UK and the rest of Europe (personal callers only). If you’re in London, Liberation is a ‘must’ for any keen rubberist.
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